Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy 0'9

Happy New Year

Red Cafe re-opens Wed 14th Jan, same time, same place

We look forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Your Kingdom Come in Mumbles as it is in Heaven
We are opening up for prayer.Oct 12 from 12.30-7pm
Interactive,Inspiring,Engaging, Creative
Anyone is invited to come and learn more about what the Red Cafe is up to in the community
and get involved as well by simply praying.
With a setup like a 24-7prayer room, using all our senses to communicate with God.

'Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful'Colossians 4:2

Friday, September 26, 2008

Recruiting extreme volunteers...

So you think you're extreme?

Come and show us then
are you:


male or female?

Looking for experience in youth work?

Wanting to have fun and give something back to society?

If so…...

then we need you!

The Red Cafe youth project is a safe place for young people to hang out, have fun, express themselves and develop their creativity. Here they can paint, cook, dj, play computer games, surf the net, play pool, or just chill. We are looking for committed volunteers to help. Come, use your talents and make a difference Don’t miss out on the fun and great experience Check us out: Wednesday and Thursdays 6-10 pm

NOW thats extreme!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Introducing...........The Crew

The Red Cafe Youth team

Liz Chris James Ash Carol Dim

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We had a real cool bunch of guys from a organisation called Otesha at the Red Cafe last week. The project is all about sustainable/ethical living-the buzz word at the moment. The group of about 15 all arrived on bicycles which they have ridden from London, impressive, clocking up about 500 miles plus. Real hippy/charity fundraiser types, great fun, very smelly but they did a great play about everyday ethical choices. The are some great resources on the website about saving energy and farming your garden patch organically.


Welcome to the the new RED CAFE YOUTH blog